What Christmas Means to Me

Christmas to me means snuggling under the covers in my Mom and Dad's house on Christmas Eve, my brother asleep in the bottom bunk and my sisters across the hall. We're together in the house on 6th Avenue.


Christmas to me means gatherings at Grandma Gardiner's house with a table so long I couldn't see the other end and lots of commotion and laughter and good cheer. And my Uncle Stew stretched out on the couch, shades of green from too much holiday fare.


Christmas to me means being in Grade 9 and getting a high school ring from Mom and Dad and not being able to believe that I'd received such a grand gift – and sneaking up to Klie Jewellers after Christmas to see what it cost.


Christmas to me means the time we were in high school and my buddies and I got together on Christmas Eve – and we had a few drinks – and we called up a bunch of our teachers and sang them a very bad version of We Wish You a Merry Christmas.


Christmas to me means road hockey games in Pinewood Park with teams made up of long-haired guys named Pood and Doc and Kunk and phoning the score into CKNX TV so we could listen to it being announced when we were at the dance at the Coliseum that night.


Christmas to me means the first year I didn't get home for the holidays – a sick child and a young couple alone for Christmas – and our doctor made us feel better by making a house call – 1979 and the last one I've seen.


Christmas to me means walking in the winter snow that crunches and creaks under my boots – up 10th Street past the ghosts of Stogie and Ken and through the Hanover Inn to see who's home for the holidays.


Christmas to me means remembering the year after my first marriage broke up and I was alone – back in my old bed in the house on 6th Avenue – standing in the family church pew – I felt like a kid again. I think that maybe you can go home after all.


Christmas to me means happy times gathering with family at 436, 6th Avenue to play crockinole, see Dad play Santa, eat turkey and watch the men do the dishes.


Christmas to me means slippers from my Mom – slippers of all shapes and sizes – mocasins, old man slippers, Gordie Howe slippers, Toronto Maple Leaf slippers – slipperrs for all occasions – so that even today, I have three pairr.


Christmas to me means thinking of others and somehow knowing that each of us can make a difference if we try – and in today's uncertain and confusing world, we need to try harder than ever to make life better for all who share it.


Christmas to me means celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ and knowing that he was a smart guy who had good things to say and that if we could just find a way to listen, the world would be a better place for all.


I’m waiting for the heads to roll; it should be a good spectacle


It was the ‘best of times’ to grow up……